Illuminating love // Leo Full Moon 2020
leo full moon 20°00’ // february 8, 2020 ~ 11:33pm pst
It’s tender work believing in yourself. It’s an exploration of evolution to act on intuition before the fact. It’s courageous and necessary to strive for the embodiment of both. There are magical worlds within you and your gentle, big thoughts open them up. The deeper you go into your mind, the more you begin to realize that all open doorways lead to the heart.
When the chattering guard of the mind comes down, the visionary within opens up. This witness comes to life within the breath and beneath your thought-streams. As you open the heart to share authentically and vulnerably, a playful and creative dialogue comes alive that can reveal the inner workings of the mind. This gives access to understanding the nuanced layers of awareness, a hidden iceberg that motivates so much of how we act and what we believe. And beneath it, a timeless and eternal fire, the source of all things.
image by @hheininge
Leo is the fire.
It’s innocent and true and alive.
Aquarius is the cauldren that thought streams and emotional rivers flow into.
It’s objective and intelligent and revolutionary.
Saturday’s Full Moon in Leo is a smelting process that holds the one real truth that exists for us all -
love, its enduring alchemy of elements, is changeless, transcendent, universal and simple.
With the sun in Aquarius, we can discover a state of love that is objective to external and internal events that would normally set off our sensitivities.With the moon in Leo, we have profound access to our hearts. Altogether, this Full Moon weekend is an open doorway to an equanimously loving and incredibly tuned-in sense of the world and of ourselves.
This is a moon to notice your emotions and your passions and your dreams.
This is a moon to transform your mind’s thoughts into your heart’s calling.
This is a moon to reclaim what it is you’re saying yes to.
instincts and courage are alive to remind you:
you are wild and you are true and you are whole.
you are love and you are loved.
May we experience all of this and more beneath this brave and royal moon.
What five things am I grateful for right now?
What am I saying YES to in my life right now? (Which of course is also: what am I saying NO to?)
What practices support me to feel more strong in my body and passionate in my heart?
be sure to scroll below to learn your leo full moon love language!
mercury in pisces ~ exploring expression // mercury retrograde begins February 16
With the reasoning, rationalizing mind put to sleep the dreamer can dream and the one who imagines can paint with wild abandon. Mercury in Pisces, where 2020’s first Mercury Retrograde cycle begins, is art and mysticism and psychology and intuition. This phase is creative and colorful and inviting, evoking rich streams of mind-matter flowing through universal consciousness, collecting wisdom and insights meant to attune you to an objective reality.
Ideas and solutions emerge through day-dreams and vivid wanderings of the mind. Two parts come alive ~ The rebellious innovator that defies logic for the sake of freedom.The wise elder that guides you closer to the source of it all. Tune into these parts of yourself ~ where they lead you is where you begin.
From a perspective that is both elevated and deep, Mercury in Pisces and its retrograde period offers an experience of mind as a universal force that follows the path in to an objective reality of universal truth.
Here’s the opportunity:
You can use your thoughts and emotions to initiate change and liberate yourself from the loop of your own narrative. Though a conscious exploration of your thought streams and emotional currents you can choose to have an effect on your reality rather than being affected by your reality.
It’s lofty.
(We can expect nothing less from Pisces or Aquarius)
About Mercury Rx…
In the lead up to February 16, we are getting a preview of what we’re exploring during Mercury’s retrograde from Pisces to Aquarius. The wisdom of the superconscious, all knowing mind that flows beneath the level of the conscious, rational, intellect is at the ready, here to be of service to your evolution.
As you gain insight during Mercury retrograde, you have access to aspects of your mind you can’t always see directly. The movement of Pisces into Aquarius is the the transference of wisdom through the subconscious mind into the intellect. This gives us access to objectivity - to universal truth that is informed by personal experience, but not subjugated by it. You become more powerful and resilient to the undulations and unavoidable fluctuations of the mind in all of the various directions they stream.
When you know how to use the tool in multiple ways, the tool becomes more valuable and when you use tools that are valuable to you you’ll see your value more clearly, too.
This access presents itself the opportunity to have a felt experience of the superconscious state. Superconsciousness is spirit. The connection to it. Its vehicle is intuition. The destination is a mind that is open and free of limitations - connected to infinite, formless, universal reality.
What are my emotions communicating to me right now?
What am I taking personally right now?…In what ways is the other person me?
What practices support me to cultivate more compassion and empathy within myself?
More insight on February’s Mercury Retrograde is incoming. For a deeper dive into your psyche, join us for Reason To Rest: A Mercury Retrograde Workshop at Love Yoga Space. We have two sessions: February 16 in Echo Park and March 1 in Venice. We’ll review, write, integrate and rest. The perfect medicine for this dreamy cycle.
If you want to take your Mercury Retrograde integration to the next level, Stargaze with us in the Sequoias ~ a weekend of yoga, stargazing, nature, rest and community with potent teachings from astrology and astronomy. A few beds are left!
venus in aries ~ February 7 - march 5 ~ activating your inner lion heart
There are few moments more significant then those when we feel truly seen for who we are. ⠀
It’s a moment of recognition that activates something within everyone who sees. These are the moments that begin the most enduring love stories. When you’re in your light and in your element and activated from passion and purpose and power, you’re luminous and magnetic and full of vitality. ⠀
It is part of your destiny to paint this world with your essence. Life will beat us down and in moments we may forget, but in glimpses and ways it will serve us a reminder that every crack holds gold. ⠀
Venus’ move through Aries is moment of gold ~ a portal of time to pursue pleasure with passion to find and expand your own heart’s desire. ⠀ This month calls on you to dance to your own beat, do what makes you happy and discover what lights your flame and turns you on. If ever there was a time to find pleasure by your own measure, it’s Venus in Aries.
Play this transit with a passion for what gives you a spark of excitement and let it set your soul on fire. Your life, in its wholeness is a complete work of art. Honest, authentic expression is why you are here ~ trust your truth and trust your instinct and trust your ability to see yourself. ⠀
How can I risk uncertainty for the potential of experiencing more vitality?
What about you sparks your fire?
all for love
At the conscious level lies what is known. Within the sub- and unconscious layer lies what is unknown. Beneath that is the super conscious - the all-knowing that is eternal and timeless and infinite.
This is the “one” state evoked by the mystics. It’s changeless and transcendent and when we access it, subjective reality softens, belief systems dissolve, masks fall away and we rest in timeless, changeless, infinitely creative and divine omniscience. There aren’t really words for it. It’s simply a knowing, often described by the word love. The closest archetype to it is our King, Leo.
This weekend, we honor the Leo within us all.
The brave. The one. The full-hearted.
May we be courageous in our loving ~ of ourselves, of each other, of our worlds and of our planet.
with love, Julien Elizabeth
image by Alyssa Morang-Pavlock
leo love languages
If you know your rising sign or ascendant, I suggest you read it as your intention below. You can also read your sun and moon sign. These are meant to be taken in as insight and inquiry. There are so many factors that give your life the life that it is, so take these notes as food for thought and take from it what feels right for you right now. If you aren’t sure of your ascendent, or have a curiosity to go deeper, schedule a natal chart reading and we’ll decode it all together.