Riddles unravelling // New Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius
Sagittarius New Moon 23°8’ // December 14, 2020 ~ 8:13 am pst
Change happens fast. Flexibility is a requirement to survival. The world as you know it has dissolved this year. Consider, though, has the world as you believe it to be become more apparent and clear in its wake? Is this world kind? Is it helpful? Is there respect and honor? Is it crowded by conspiracy or inundated with inequity? Do you feel slighted? Hustled? Held hostage? An infinite number of possibilities exists, what we decide to harness and grow moving forward requires we accept that reality right now is all of this and more.
Everywhere we look there are angles, aspects, perspectives and opinions. They lead us to a wellspring of questions: what direction are we going? what is certain? what can I count on? is this safe? what’s right? If we make this decision now, what could happen as a result?
This is a time to ask the curious questions however, in response we must release the expectation that we need a clear answer to any of what we ask. Dogma and self-righteousness no longer hold water in today’s times.
Sagittarius is the philosopher and in these times we ask big questions to inquire of ourselves an exploration. Our aim: expansion beyond what we thought we knew and a loosening of the grip that keeps us seeking answers outside of ourselves. Little will come of that method in the future we face now. So let us take a long adventure to the unknown before us as we explore a yearning within to understand what’s true.
to go deeper into all of this and more, join me for a Sagittarius New Moon Circle ~ Sunday December 13 at 7:30pm pst live, or by replay all month.
“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing”
Mercury conjunct to the New Moon // Square to Neptune
With Mercury nestled close to this New Moon, intense news is possible and we can certainly face realizations that perhaps we don’t know as much as we thought… or at least, we only know what we know, which means there’s plenty more we don’t know.
Go easy on yourself. this is all woven into the fabric of the times - lessons we’re meant to be learning so that we can understand ourselves as the humans we are. Humans, flawed and fabulous, we are.
Most of the time, we live in a day dream, a fantasy made up of what we believe to be right and just and true about the world. We’re motivated by it. We make big decisions based on it. The challenge arises when we fail to remember that’s the truth for everyone else, too. Who has the power to tell us we’re wrong? Do we have the power to tell others they’re wrong?
As we understand our present from the perspective of our past and the context of our surroundings, it’s worth considering who and what influences your understanding of truth and integrity and your desire to learn more about yourself and the world beyond just what you know or just where you’ve been.
It requires a sort of bravery to question ourselves like this, to receive feedback, and to be guided by a knowing that we are wrong in about the same proportion as we are right. And that is sort of just the way things are.
So in this time, on this day, in this week, in the final month of the banner year of 2020, the most important thing we can do is stay willing: to be open, to learn, to hold ourselves and each other accountable and to let ourselves exist beyond wrong and right, as humans together, navigating change in crisis that is both personal, global and universal.
Solar Eclipse: 2 minutes and 10 seconds of totality.
This is the second set of eclipses occurring within the Gemini-Sagittarius axis of learning, an eighteen-month cycle guiding us to release on-the-go overthinking that drives us to conquer the world looking for answers and adapt to a slower, humble pace that keeps us local and looking within. Here and now beneath Monday’s New Moon Eclipse, we bare witness the first iteration of this cycle completing. It began in early June beneath the Sagittarius Full Moon (June 5, to be exact).
consider: what was going on in your world at this time? what themes were coming alive on the world stage? What were you posting, sharing, writing about? Any special appointments or conversations?
just a peak: world news on June 5, 2020 ~ trust me, it’s relevant!
We are confronted now with an intensity meant to level the playing field, uplevel the communication, ask of us harder questions, and inspire the boldness necessary and needed now. During eclipse season the potential for radical change is almost inevitable.
but here’s the thing ~ we don’t have to *do* the change. There’s no force here. We simply have to let go into it.
The pot has already been stirred. We sit here in the flurry of it all, an existential moment tasking us to question our assumptions, realign our understandings of truth, and give ourselves the opportunity to change our minds when presented with information we hadn’t known before.
It’s something we all must do: humble ourselves to the inevitability of change and come to one of the few truths there is: most of what we believe to be true is just perspective.
Call out your conflicts.
Name your fears.
Celebrate your blessings.
Light a candle for your soul.
Times, they are a changin’
While trust may not always make it easier to move through the thickness of it all, it can certainly establish the momentum to move boldly and with grace.
Within a solar eclipse it is said that you experience the intensity of six new moons. Like a 360-degree sunset, we turn away from all that isn’t meant to come along on the journey forward. We can expect non-closure, to not know the whole story, to not be understood, and still to find the peace and spaciousness to forge ahead. We learn the lesson that we have nothing to prove to anyone.
2020 has prepared us. In the coming weeks, Saturn completes its cycle in Capricorn (December 17), finalizing learnings and lessons 3-years in the making. Just after, it will have a moment with Jupiter (December 21), an aspect some would say is 800-years in the making.
Will is strong. As is impatience. We will all have to find a way to work with both.
// Julien Elizabeth
Sagittarius New Moon Eclipse Horoscopes
If you know your rising sign or ascendant, I suggest you read it as your horoscope below. You can also read your sun and moon sign. These are meant to be taken in as insight and inquiry. There are so many factors that give your life the life that it is, so take these notes as food for thought and retrieve what feels right for you right now. If you aren’t sure of your ascendent, or have a curiosity to go deeper, schedule a natal chart reading or gift to someone special and we’ll decode it all together.