Returning to Trust // Taurus New Moon 2020

Taurus New Moon 3°23’ // April 24, 2020 ~ 7:26pm PST

If you have a curiosity to go deeper, schedule a natal chart reading  and begin to use the cycles of time and space to gain self-awareness and deeper insight into your circumstances, purpose and direction. 

Consistently and predictably, Taurus season brings radical change. Partially because Taurus season also means Scorpio season and together they bring both ego-death and ego-integration. Both of these take time to come to the surface. Rarely do we know it’s happening when we’re in it. (spoiler: we’re in it).The other reason being Uranus, wafting through Taurean skies until 2026, calling for us to awaken to a more genuine understanding of the Earth, resources, community and ourselves. More on that below.

Containers of space and time —like this one— are points of awakening. They begin and they end and we know later what meaning we make of it all. Containers can be empty or full, what we hold onto while we’re in them is of our choosing and what we filter and channel through will alchemize our beliefs and habits in the newness of what’s created. It’s in the settling that we realize every part of everything has changed.

Live in each season as it passes breathe the air drink the drink taste the fruit and resign yourself to the influence of the Earth. Thoreau 4.PNG

Life is always changing when you have the space to witness it. Sometimes quickly, sometimes shockingly, sometimes in such slow ways we have to attune ourselves to the subtleties as we’ve never done before. How many of us have really seen nature change over the course of this month? Without even trying I am surrounded by the sound of birds singing through subdued city streets. I have observed the day move from morning through afternoon into evening and night at a pace I've never had the chance to. I've watched snow melt into rain and become sunshine in one day. I’ve learned more about my preferences around food, my tastes, entertainment, comfort, temperature and sound this month. I’ve felt the necessity of touch in every hug I haven't received and every one I’ve given myself.

I’ve remembered, through practice, what it is that’s important - who I am and what I need when everything else is taken away. I have learned what I value, and I trust this is the foundation of what’s unfolding. 

Family. Community and Communication. Meaningful Work. Health and Safety. Truth and Authenticity. Peace.

There’s a dichotomy that will continue to evolve though Taurus season, coming to full light in the Scorpio Full Moon. There is death and life and limbo. There’s fear and freedom. There’s division and community. There’s social distancing and social connection. There’s a desire to fall asleep and check out and a call to massively wake up and tune in.

Live in each season as it passes breathe the air drink the drink taste the fruit and resign yourself to the influence of the Earth. Thoreau 5.PNG

Uranus is not comfortable in Taurus. The teaching? We are not meant to be comfortable right now. Continuous comfortability is complacency. Life and living is rarely comfortable. Square Saturn, this new moon places us between a rock and a hard place, forced to look at the instances we are selling ourselves short, sorting through someone else’s dreams, punishing ourselves for our true desires, and suppressing our own needs for a superficial and sacrificial state of being.

No one on Earth is immune to this experience, making it an incredibly connective realization that we are actually always, all sharing the same home.

We are at a powerful pivot - when the fury and flush of everything lands to the ground and we realize: this is not going to be an easy transition and it will not come quick. Taurus is pain and insecurity and a deep question of worth. Taurus is a journey that teaches us: we don’t have to prove ourselves to anyone or anything. These realizations are our awakenings and this period will bring many.

how have I rejected my self worth?
how have I abandoned myself?
In what ways to I believe I do not deserve what I want and need to thrive?

We may go back to a “normal” but it will be everything but familiar. We will get used to the changes because they will come in waves. Suddenly everyone wears facemarks. It will become unnoticeably normal. We’ll walk through temperature checks as casually as we move through metal detectors. Most will celebrate the convenience of ordering our food and entertainment online. We will all notice the changes, but we won't all will agree this is the right way forward. Disagreement can show us our own personal preferences. It reflects to us more of what we’re willing to stand up for and what we’re ok bowing down to.

What we may also start to notice is that we learn how to listen better because talking to a masked face forces eye contact and sound ears. We will become more acutely aware of what personalities, situations and circumstances drain us or give us life. We will value the moments we can truly connect. We will know what it feels like to have both nothing and everything to do. We will see how much and how little power that we have. We will see how we reconcile the dichotomy, and if we do at all. We won’t always like what we see, but once we see we know and we can’t un-see or un-know. 

Live in each season as it passes breathe the air drink the drink taste the fruit and resign yourself to the influence of the Earth. Thoreau 6.PNG

Every rotten root is sprouting to the surface. Our roots are bound by the comfortable containers we’ve been sold. Many are rightfully tired of navigating a complex set of systems designed to keep us spiraling.  How we respond and act to these awakenings indicates what seeds we're sowing and this will be most telling.  Scorpions will continue to come out of the cellar all season. What’s important to remember is that when they do, the cellar will be empty and ready for summer’s bounty. This is the time, more then ever, to stay steady and true to who you are and what you value and what you love. It doesn’t mean you do it perfectly or that you perform. It asks that you know your efforts have worth and you’re valuable no matter what. 

What stories tell me that I’m not good enough?
How can I rewrite them this month?

This is the time to slow down your rush to return to a normal and instead explore what type of normal works best for you. What type of normal do you want to create and contribute to?

Taurus is the Earth. It’s steady. It’s slow. It’s organic. It’s our relationship to money and our resources & where we put our value. It’s a remembrance that who we are is not a reflection of what we have or what we do, it is in how we love and how we live & what we choose to honor. Taurus is a prayer for humanity and the gift of life we’re in the midst of. Taurus is the return to nature and to the ways you nurture your nature.

Taurus is a simple type of love - steady, consistent and loyal. What Taurus ultimately wants to teach, wherever it falls in your chart, is that you are worthy of love simply because you are alive. You are valuable no matter what you do, what you have, or what you possess. Sometimes it takes us a lifetime to learn this. Sometimes life wakes us up to it sooner.

How can I support my community with my attention, time and dollars?
How can I support myself with my attention, time and dollars?
Am I asking for support when I need it?

New life is birthed in spring. It’s apparent everywhere. This month, let’s slow down enough to breathe in what that means and what it all means, for all of us. Listen to the birds, feel the warm breeze, watch a tree come to life in front of your eyes. Everything moves slow when you watch.

May we stay in love. May we be kind. May we touch life with every part of ourselves.

julien elizabeth // gemini rising

taurus activation

If you know your rising sign or ascendant, I suggest you read it below. You can also read your sun and moon sign. These are meant to be taken in as insight and inquiry. There are so many factors that give your life the life that it is, so take these notes as food for thought and take from it what feels right for you right now. If you aren’t sure of your ascendent, or have a curiosity to go deeper, schedule a natal chart reading and we’ll decode it all together.

Aries ~ This moment calls for you to stop and smell the roses, or the daffodils, the grass, or whatever is growing around you. The fire that moves through you has the power and this month calls you to consider, where are you putting your passion and what is being created in return? Time spent consisdering where you put your attention, where you put your money, and how you source and use your resources will give you insight into your values this month. Revamp your life by considering what’s important to you and reconciling with the areas you are living out of alignment with them. A spring cleaning of how you spend your money and food your soul might be exactly what this new moon invites.

Taurus ~ Beyond all you have, beyond all you’ve accomplished, beyond all you’ve done… what do you love most about yourself? Is it the love you have for texture and taste and sweet smells? Is it the indulgences of living life? Is it your loyalty and compassion? These are things we learn from you, dear friend, and the lessons are so valuable. This season is really personal for you and gives space and time for you to consider what makes you unique and gives you life. No need to gloss over a thing here, indulge yourself, reflect on who you are and how ou’ve grown and all that life is offering you. You are worth it and if there’s ever a doubt, this is the month to release it and know ~ we love you just the way you are.

Gemini ~ The mass movement to virtual communication at first felt ideal - more connection, more opportunities, more information - what a dream! Things may feel a little different now, as you recognize how easy it is to connect and how hard it is to unplug. And while it’s clear you can spend all day long checking into the digital world, it’s worth considering how much you’re checking into the world within. This is a month of vulnerable exploration, a month to step back and see the areas of your life that need a bit of healing before the sun illuminates you once again next month. Take time to get quiet, turn off your WiFi and explore the solitude and the shadow. Think of it like getting ready for your big party - give yourself extra time to make yourself shiny. You’ll have your time in the sun so soon!

Cancer ~ The amount of love you give out into the world is stunning, dear Crab. Without even trying, you nourish the parts of us that need it deeply. You tend to our heavy hearts, you hold us steady and lift us up and we are all stronger because of it. The question remains, do you feel nourished by your community and supported by the collective you care so lovingly for? This is perhaps the more important question for you this month as Taurus asks you to look a little deeper at who fills yur life and feeds your soul.

Leo ~ There’s no escaping your brightness, Leo, not even if you tried. A part of you will always be destined to shine and the gift of Taurus wants you to remember, always, that all of you is valuable, all of you is worthy, all of you is allowed, all of you is needed. This is a month to release any doubt in your ability to stand out on your own. This is a month to consider, if you could do anything in the world, what is it you’d choose to do? Sometimes being destined for success can make it hard to decide and easier to fall in line, but always remember, Leo, you were born to lead.

Virgo ~ In your pursuit of truth you’ll often find it alive and well in the simple things that bring you joy. It’s in the details you will discover your faith, Virgo, and in your faith you’ll find all you’ve been seeking has been there ths whole time. Taurus wants you to remember, the abundance, the resources, the true adventure lies in the Earth. You care for her, you value her, you honor her beings and there will never be a doubr you’re on the right path. Every prayer will be answered, every message delivered true. Your wisdom speaks to you through the Earth - value her, trust her, be true to her.

Libra ~ If you find that April tends to end with a focus on transformation, you’re right on track, dear Libra. It’s wise to remember that with great change often comes great loss and great loss often brings new life. Your quest for balance requires deep trust in your darkest shadow and as much as you may want to lean just into your light, even the most unruly judge will say it’s only fair to accept both. So, let this month transform you adn shift you and rock your world in its wild mystery. Let it deliver you to a place where you know deeply who you are beneath the surface of everything else, revealing to you the loyalties and the truth beyond your charms.

Scorpio ~ Taurus is a time to reflect on your commitments - your relationship with your partner, your work, your colleagues. Consider what you are learning about partnership and working together right now. How can you be supported and support your partnerships and what your commitments are to honor each other. I often remind myself that the surpreme relationship is the one you have with yourself, so this is also an opportunity for you to consider how you are honoring yourself this season, especially in the moments you want to scurry off and hide. Taurus rules the senses - Consider your relationship to your sense and perhaps how you can make life a little bit more sensual :)

Sagittarius ~ Life on lockdown sure does show you the space between what you need to do and what you want to do. For your health, your wealth and maybe even your sanity. Taurus season wants you to revamp how you approach things, she wants you to spring clean the closets, throw out the rotten ingredients, and put in place a plan that takes into account all of the practices and processes you know you need to live a life that reflects your high standards and big dreams. Are there toxic situations you can elminiate? Do it. Are there old habits that bog down your systems? Ease away. Is there opportunity to structure your days to support your greatest state of health and healing? Take it.

Capricorn ~ Life these days can feel and be so serious, requiring a pragnatism that may feel a natural extension of your constitution. And yet, there are times to work and times to play, and create, and flirt, and get your hands and feet dirty with the joys of life. Springtime air feeds your soul this month with a desire to indulge your sense in the pursuits that bring you pleasure. Resist nothing. Say yes to everything that lightens your load and lifts your spirit. The creativity you explore and envision during this new moon week will nourish and sustain you with projects and passion months and years to come.

Aquarius ~ In the simplest of ways, so much of life is a journey to find a safe place to land and a soft place to rest. Pay close attention to the places and spaces that cause your nervous system to take that deep exhale knowing it has arrived. These times may limit your ability to explore the world outside, but present ample opportunity to explore home inside. And that is just what this week’s new moon calls on you to do. Get clear on your values and visions of home and house and family and community so that you know exactly where you want to be and how you want to live.

Pisces ~ Your sensitive soul has picked up so much from these times. It’s important to be informed - and - equally important to prioritize your peace. Aries season directed you to look deeper at what you value, your relationship to your resources and what you really base your self-worth on. Taurus season wants you to double-down on what you’ve learned and explore how you’re setting boundaries and communicating what it is you need to feel safe and seen and whole. It’s essential to find the balance of being plugged in and connected and stepping away to recharge in ways that fill you up. Taurus’ new moon wants you to speak your truth, communicate your values and articulate your boundaries. You deserve space and tme for yourself, dear Pisces, always.

Julien Elizabeth